Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Weekly Contract Goal for 4/06/10


  1. i finished the kitty design and i think i want to put it on a T. then i want to make the duck with glasses and mustache, and put THAT on a t shirt :)

  2. my goal this week is to figure out how to add hair to the midget, and if that is completed, make the shirt texture for him as well

  3. i want to finish my project by friday

  4. I am going to add some workers into the office so that they can get to work which is what Mr. Elmore needs to do!!!

  5. I am going to work on my second shirt and if I get done with it ill go back and fix the first one.

  6. I want a tree, lots of tree, so many tree. The amount of tree that i want is almost insurmountable.

  7. this week i am going to put my rendered images into photoshop and finish up the final pics

  8. i've have decided on this week in april to continue to advance on the design of timothy and I's waterpark
